Baltic Sea Forum: pioneer of modern IT in the Baltic Sea ferry traffic
Hamburg, Sept 2019 Baltic Sea Forum: pioneer of modern IT in the Baltic Sea ferry traffic You hardly…
Hamburg, Sept 2019 Baltic Sea Forum: pioneer of modern IT in the Baltic Sea ferry traffic You hardly…
Liebe Mitglieder, in den letzten Monaten sind die Arbeiten im INTERREG-Projekt RTF, über das wir bereits in den…
Liebe Mitglieder, im 1. Halbjahr 2019 hat sich einiges ereignet: Das INTERREG-Projekt zur Binnenschifffahrt EMMA, an dem das…
Liebe Mitglieder, wir wollen Ihnen künftig in unregelmäßigen Abständen, aber mindestens zweimal im Jahr über die Aktivitäten und…
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Datum: 10.02.2020 12:00 Uhr – 10.02.2020 14:00 Uhr Ort: RICKMER RICKMERS, Bei den St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, Hamburg, Deutschland Das Baltic…
Conferences, Discussion Panels, Workshops and Meetings
The BALTIC SEA FORUM organises events and discussion panels that focus on economic and political developments within the Baltic Sea region. The society offers thus a forum for co-operation, training, discussion and the exchange of opinions. The BALTIC SEA FORUM works closely together with other organisations from the Baltic Sea region during the preparation and realisation of its events.
Partner, Know-how and Projects
The BALTIC SEA FORUM puts people in touch with each other and offers access to persons with know-how and experience in the planning and realisation of concrete projects in the Baltic Sea region. The promotion of projects between our members and partners is one of our major objectives.
Publication and Information
The BALTIC SEA FORUM publishes and supports selected studies relating to the Baltic Sea region. The newsletter – BALTIC SEA FORUM INFOnet – , the BALTIC SEA FORUM Calendar of Events and the BALTIKUM-Wegweiser inform our members and interested ones about our work and other activities in the Baltic Sea region.
The BALTIC SEA FORUM works as a non-profit-making organisation and wants to
In accordance with its statutes, the purpose of the society is the promotion of co-operation across borders within the Baltic Sea region. The society gives the interests of the region a voice within the wider process of European integration. Thus it hopes to foster the peaceful development within the region. The society is a non-profit-making organisation and it is bound by laws pertaining to this status.
The main focus of the RTF project is to inform the passenger in good time about deviations through real-time data and to display this data in various media.
The project is planned for the period from the third quarter of 2017 to the third quarter of 2020.
Within the framework of the project, an overarching data hub for real-time information will be set up, which should enable smoother freight and passenger traffic in the Baltic Sea region. For this purpose, the Interreg-funded project mainly looks at the intermodal transport chains for goods and persons in the Baltic Sea region.
The project receives funding from the European Union (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF).